○ 海外発送の場合は基本EMSであり送料¥2000+ギフト追跡保証サービス付き。海外発送は¥20000以上で送料無料です。
○ 土曜日の新作ジュエリーのオープンは今まで通り普通郵便で送料無料!(追跡購入は別途500円でレターパックで発送されます)
◯For items that are possible to be altered to Clip-On earrings there might be slight differences on how it would look like.
(¥100)Our shop uses a Clip-On earring converter.
if you are planing to get your ears pierced in the future you can use it without the converter, you could also use the converter you have with the earrings you have.
◯ We ask our customers to read our shop’s details( ABOUT US & SHOPPING GUIDE) before placing an order.
We believe every order is placed after reading our shop’s details.
If a trouble has been caused due to not reading our details, we aren’t going to be in a position to be involved. (Updated September 25th 2020)
◯It is already mentioned at our shop’s details, we are unable to read your preferences if you write it down on the note space during purchase.
Please send us an email via: (cruellasex@gmail.com)
◯For those who cannot pay within the payment deadline we kindly ask you to not purchase an item from us.
【↓In Japan】
◯ Regular mail does not include a tracking service.
We are not responsible or will be of service for lost/accidents in any case for regular mail shippings.
(Ex. What type of packing, from where we shipped it)
We kindly ask you to contact Japan Post yourself for lost orders.
Please note if you wish to have Tracking Services and Guarantee, add our 〔Tracking Guarantee Service〕 ¥510 to your cart during purchase.
◯ We use EMS for international shipping
Shipping fee - ¥2000
Comes with tracking guarantee service
Orders above ¥20,000 free shipping